Digital Capabilities Team

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The Digital Capabilities Team offers a wide selection of courses, covering both software and more general skills, such as database design.

Some courses relate specifically to data management - for example:

A wider range of courses cover other areas which may be of interest to researchers working with data, including how to get the most out of database and spreadsheet applications (e.g. Microsoft Access, MySQL, and Microsoft Excel), statistical tools (e.g. SPSS and Stata), and packages for working with qualitative data (e.g. NVivo). Other courses cover programming (including both general concepts, and specific languages such as R and Python), reference software, and a lot more besides.

The Digital Capabilities Team is based at IT Services. Courses take place at the Banbury Road site, and online via Microsoft Teams.

Also available is the IT Learning Portfolio, which offers slides, course packs, and other resources from courses past and present.

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