Data citation guidance from around the web

A selection of resources from universities, archives, publishers, and other interested bodies.

Data and Statistics for Social Sciences: Citation and Sharing

A Bodleian LibGuide.

DataCite - Cite Your Data

A short guide to how (and why) to cite data.

Data Citation and Linking

A briefing paper from the Digital Curation Centre.

Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles 

From the Force11 website.

Reasons to Cite Data Correctly

Guidance from the UK Data Service, accompanied by advice about how to Cite Data Correctly

Data Citation: What You Need to Know 

An ESRC guide to best practice in citing data and the use of persistent identifiers.

Citing Sources: Cite Data 

A guide from MIT Libraries.

Data Citation 

Best practice guidance from the Dataverse Project.

The History and Future of Data Citation in Practice

An article published in the Data Science Journal.

Guidance from academic publishers

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