Data citation guidance from around the web A round-up of advice on good practice when citing pre-existing data.
Data Pathfinder The Research Data Pathfinder offers a guide to live data storage options for Oxford researchers.
Data sharing agreements The University of Oxford’s Research Services can provide template agreements for data sharing.
DataCite Advice about persistent identifiers for datasets (e.g. DOIs), data citation, and metadata schemas.
Digital Curation Centre Information on data management planning, data sharing, curation, archiving, citation, and licensing.
FAIR data resources from around the web Guidance on making data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable.
FAIRsharing Data standards, databases, and policies, with a particular focus on the life, environmental, and biomedical sciences.
File format guidance from around the web A round-up of advice on selecting the most appropriate file formats for data.
GDPR and data protection guidance from around the web Advice on complying with legislation when using personal data.
Global Health Data Science A knowledge exchange hub for data science and data management within health research.
Guides to good practice from ADS Advice from the Archaeology Data Service, covering the whole data life cycle.
Information Security Advice on keeping yourself and your data safe from the University's Information Security team.
Open research and open scholarship resources from around the web A round-up of resources promoting greater openness in the research process.
Preservation and curation guidance from around the web A round-up of advice on keeping research data available for the long term.
Re3data A global registry of research data repositories, covering a wide range of academic disciplines.
Reproducible research resources from around the web A round-up of guidance on making research findings reproducible.
Research ethics (including CUREC) Information about ethical review of University of Oxford research involving human participants.
Staff Guidance on Data Protection Advice on working with personal data from the University of Oxford's Compliance team.
UK Data Service Good practice advice from the UK's national social science and humanities data service.