Metadata resources from around the web

ISA Tools

A suite of open source metadata tracking tools for life science, environmental, and biomedical experiments. The ISA framework is designed to help provide rich description of the experimental metadata (i.e. sample characteristics, technology and measurement types, sample-to-data relationships), so that the resulting data and discoveries are reproducible and reusable. 

Documentation and Metadata

Part of the CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide.

Metadata and Documentation

A section of the Digital Preservation Coalition's Digital Preservation Handbook.

FAIRsharing: Standards

A registry of terminology artefacts, models/formats, reporting guidelines, and identifier schemas.

Disciplinary Metadata

A collection of metadata standards for research in a range of different disciplines, collated by the Digital Curation Centre.


Guidance on metadata from the UK Data Service.

Jisc: Metadata

An introductory guide to the aims and objectives of metadata, covering what metadata can do to help make digital resources more accessible and sustainable. The resource assumes no prior knowledge of metadata.

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