Bodleian iSkills Workshops Free workshops, covering topics including using online databases and reference management.
Data management training from around the web A selection of self-study modules and materials for trainers.
Data management training in Oxford In-person and online teacher-led training opportunities for Oxford researchers.
Data Protection by Design A University of Oxford framework for working with personal data (SSO login required).
GDPR and data protection guidance from around the web Advice on complying with legislation when using personal data.
Information Security Advice on keeping yourself and your data safe from the University's Information Security team.
Research ethics (including CUREC) Information about ethical review of University of Oxford research involving human participants.
Software for University members IT Services enables University units and individual members to obtain a variety of software products.
Staff Guidance on Data Protection Advice on working with personal data from the University of Oxford's Compliance team.
UK Data Service Good practice advice from the UK's national social science and humanities data service.